Why the democratic party Is doomed to become the party of dirty tricks!

The Democratic Party, as we have known it for the past 70 years, is now in its last days. Yes, the House Republicans may raise the debt ceiling for a mix of spending cuts and revenue raisers. Yes, bureaucrats and judges will continue to impose new and costly regulations on the economy. But it doesn’t matter. The long-term trends are almost all bad news for the left wing of the party.

This fight over raising the federal debt limit exposes a key weakness in the warfare-welfare state that has bestowed power onto the Democratic Party: Without an ever-growing share of the economy, it dies. Every vital element of the Democrats’ coalition — unions, government workers, government contractors, “entitlement” consumers — requires constant increases in payments, grants and consulting contracts. Without those payments, they don’t sign checks to re-elect Democrats.

 Like it or not, Obama is not the new FDR, but the new Gorbachev: a man forced to preside over the demise of a political system he desperately wants to save. Democrat champions in the punditocracy confidently predict that the future of the world’s oldest political party is bright. But in fact, the coalition that is the modern Democratic Party is doomed.  Every pillar upholding its heavy roof is crumbling. It is slowly transforming into a socialist party. 

The democratic leadership is well aware of this trend and it is because of this trend that they have started their new tactic of fundamental transformation. This is a tactic right out of Saul Alinsky’s playbook and involves pitting the have not’s against the haves by promoting the idea that capitalism is evil and socialism is good.

Captain Zero and his minions want to roundup all their activists and promote chaos through the actions of their OWS stooges. These activities all follow the rules that are written in Alinsky’s playbook for radicals, which, Captain Zero the neighborhood organizer knows verbatim.

The Democratic and Republican parties are structurally different. The Democrats are a coalition, forged in the New Deal, of diverse interests that do not get along well. Imagine the deer-hunting union member sitting down with the vegetarian college professor and the lesbian lawyer and you will begin to see the trouble party leaders have holding the horde together. So far, money and government preferences have been essential. It is largely a party of unions, government workers and retirees, “green” industries, “entitlement” payees, professors, teachers and social-change activists — all of whom require government payments in one form or another. The only major element of the Democratic base that doesn’t receive government payments is the professional class (lawyers, engineers, stock brokers and so on). These high-earners amount to less than 5% of the population and are not reliable Democrat donors.

On the other hand, the Republicans are a consensus party.  Activists and leaders fight like hell — leading Democrats to periodically predict the Republicans’ demise — only to settle on some principle that is then adopted by the majority.  Tax cuts and preemptive invasions were once battlegrounds, now they are cornerstones. Significantly, very few of its supporters receive government payments. Yes, defense firms, farmers and small-business owners get contracts, subsidies or loans. Yet the overwhelming majority of Republicans pay more than they receive. They want to pay less, not get more.

Conservatives have to stay alert and become activists themselves in order to defeat these marxist agitators and make the upcoming elections this year a resounding defeat for the democrats. As a former true believer I know that dirty tricks will occur if conservatives do not become active in their local communities.




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We are being played by the socialists

I recently read an article in American Thinker entitled “The Socialist Mind Game: A Brief Manual” By Oleg Atbashian. Oleg is a writer and graphic artist from the former USSR, and currently lives in Florida. He is the creator of ThePeoplesCube.com, a satirical website where he writes under the name of Red Square. He is also the author of Shakedown Socialism. I think what Oleg has to say should be read by all middle-class Americans so they can begin to see what is going to happen in the near future. Oleg states the following: “We are being played; it’s time we learned the game. Conservatives have their Constitution. Progressives have their Narrative. The current battle for America is between these two concepts, and each side uses different rules to fight it.

One set of rules is consistent with an unchanging objective: limited government and individual freedoms. The other side’s rules are as fickle as their goals, which are never fully disclosed beyond the equivocal references to fairness and hyphenated forms of justice. They will have to remain vague and deny their true allegiances until a time when American voters will no longer squirm at the word “socialism.” And yet spotting them isn’t that hard. As a bird is known by his feathers, socialists are known by their Game.

First tried and mastered in the USSR, the Game has since been popularized around the world, assuming various forms, names, and colors — from red to brown to green. It is now taking hold in the United States under the blue web banners of Obama’s campaign infomercials.

The laws of society and human nature are such that socialism can only be achieved through a certain sequence of steps and manipulations. For instance,
the only way to attain material equality is to confiscate someone’s property and give it to others. That necessitates a centralized mechanism of coercion,
redistribution, and control. Such a system gives extraordinary corrupting powers to a small centralized elite, while turning the rest of the citizenry
into a compliant, obsequious herd.

All those who claimed they can do it differently were doomed to retrace the same path. Once you unleash the ancient powers of collectivism, you have only two options: control the human herd or be trampled underfoot.

Drawing blood is always an option, but there’s also a “cleaner” way to control the crowds by manipulating their minds with the cattle prods of collectivist
morals and a fictional narrative that supplants the reality. Let’s call it the Mind Game of Manipulative Illusions.

The Game existed since Cain and Abel, but it developed into an art form in the 20th century, with the rise of totalitarian regimes armed with state-controlled education, entertainment, and the media. For a dictatorship to run efficiently, a sufficient number of people must give the regime a moral license to rule over them. The Mind Game of Manipulative Illusions secures and extends such a license.

Even the Soviet Communists, with all their tools of repression and fear, with all their power over anyone’s life and death, were still pressed to play mind
games to make the people feel good about the Party rule. Towards the end they went easy on the Game and relaxed their grip on the media, entertainment, and education, accepting the policies of Glasnost. Once they lost the ability to control people’s hearts and minds, they also lost their moral license and, with it, the country.

The Game can mutate and adjust to different cultures, but its basic rules always remain as follows: Socialism is not just about taking away your money; it’s also about making you praise the takers as your saviors. You are expected to feel good about being robbed of opportunities, talents, and success. You must agree that “you didn’t build that.” There must be a popular consensus that the crumbs you are getting back from the government are a sign of caring and largess — not a meager fraction of your actual earnings.

Last but not least, you must sincerely believe that those who are trying to protect you from the thieves are really your enemies and deserve to be destroyed. Building up and maintaining such an illusion on a massive scale requires participation of the media, education, and entertainment industries in a coordinated, long-term propaganda campaign.

Once the illusion reaches a critical mass, those afflicted by it become immune to facts, numbers, or rational arguments. Confronting them with logic will only cause more resentment, name-calling and, sometimes, violence. The little game of illusions that President Obama is running under the name of “tax cuts for the middle class” is part of the larger Game; it contains all of the above elements.The plan is to pass yet another extension of Bush’s tax cuts – i.e., to keep the status quo for the most -while excluding families with a joint income of over $250,000. In plain speak, it’s a tax hike. But calling things by their real names would be against the rules; this isn’t how the Game is played.

This mass mailing from Obama’s Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter shows us how to play it:
I hope you had a lovely holiday and all is well. I’m writing with a quick
update on the “fiscal cliff” and how you can get involved.

Right now, President Obama is asking you to think about what $2,000 a year
means to you and your family — because Congress needs to hear it.

The Senate has passed a bill that stops taxes from going up for 98 percent of
American families, and asks those who can afford it to pay a little more. If
the House follows suit, President Obama is ready to sign it as soon as it hits
his desk.

If they fail to do so, a typical middle-class family of four will see their
taxes go up by $2,000 in just a few short weeks.

President Obama is asking Congress to do the right thing and act before the
New Year, but he needs our help. We’ve got a good track record here: When we
make our voices heard and urge Congress to take action — whether it’s about
health care, student loans, Wall Street reform, or “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” —
they listen.

Watch this new video about the President’s tax plan, and take a moment to
share your story: What does $2,000 a year mean to you and your family?

Listening to Obama now, one could have never guessed that these are the same “Bush’s tax cuts,” against which he had vigorously campaigned in the past —
just like one could have never learned from his previous speeches that the reviled “tax cuts for the rich” had been saving middle-class families as much as
$2,200 a year. Until recently, the $2,200 amount was treated as classified information, which the Administration and the compliant media deemed unfit for consumption by the unwashed masses. Now that Obama wins reelection and needs to postpone the economic disaster caused by his first term, he “declassifies” the previously subversive amount and parades it on My.BarackObama.com as a centerpiece of his new glorious campaign for the people.

Simply put, Obama first discredits his predecessor’s idea, then steals it, bundles it with a job-killing tax hike, and rebrands it as his own benevolent
gift to the toiling masses. Judging by responses on Obama’s official blog, WhiteHouse.gov, and Twitter, many of his supporters believe they are actually
getting something out of it — but in reality they are about to lose what they have due to the resulting cutbacks, layoffs, and price increases.

As the Game goes on, just feeling good about the imaginary gift is no longer enough. You are expected to participate in spreading this Orwellian fantasy by haranguing Congress with demands of a tax hike while calling it a tax cut.Join the herd and you will experience the collectivist sense of belonging,
entitlement, and empowerment by engaging in quixotic class-struggle against the mythical windmills and all those mean-spirited capitalists who are conspiring to rob you of the rightful $2,200 disbursement. Forget the phrase “policies that got us into this mess”; these policies are now all about “doing the right thing.”

You end up with a sincere belief that greedy corporations, Republicans, the Tea Party, and the rest of the profligates opposing Obama’s policies are the
perfidious enemy who deserves to be punished and purged.If you’re wondering what kind of ignorant, misinformed, and morally misguided
fools would fall for this trick, look no further than Obama’s most recent 56% job approval rating in the midst of a needlessly prolonged recession. The White House propagandist Stephanie Cutter knows her demographic and constructs simple phrases she believes they can understand. However, one question remains: if the Obama voters are the best and the brightest half of this nation, why does Ms. Cutter talk to them in the tone of a condescending kindergarten teacher?The Game has a part for everyone, from top to bottom. As the top players obtain unprecedented powers, those at the bottom get high on the palliative illusion of safety and well-being.

That illusion is as powerful as it is addictive; a mere exposure to facts of life will cause the addict to writhe in agony. It is truly the Oxycontin for
the masses. No presidential candidate can win on the promise of withdrawal; those who feel entitled to a pain-free existence will only vote for better and
stronger illusions. The more the addiction spreads, the slimmer the chances of a realist ever occupying the White House again.

This can last for as long as there are enough productive taxpayers to support the habit. Once they also get hooked, stop working, or the system runs out of resources, expect a fearsome, excruciating withdrawal of epic proportions. Until then, keep rational arguments to yourself unless you crave losing friends and alienating people. If you tell them that there is no such thing as a pain-free life, they’ll think you are some sadistic fascist who thrives on pain and takes pleasure in hurting people. The problem with that attitude is that pain is nature’s way to warn us of danger. If it burns, don’t touch it. If it hurts, don’t repeat it. People who are born without an ability to feel pain are incapable of learning safe behaviors and are doomed to live a short life of bumps, burns, broken bones, and worse. A pain-free society would be even less viable.

The real choice, therefore, is between the occasional sharp pain of individual effort and the dull, permanent pain of collective misfortune, since redistributive economies always end in misery, shortages, and corruption. Western Europe’s gradual introduction of socialism is directly proportional to
its gradual economic and moral decline, as evidenced by violent riots in response to inevitable austerity measures. In the U.S., the pain-free life will be even shorter if the country falls off a cliff. When the painkillers become useless, The Game remedies it by directing the massive anger toward the opposition.

The perception of a relentless struggle with the opposition must be permanent and persuasive. Even in times of calm and prosperity the people must believe
that the opposition is holding them hostage and only the firm, wise guidance of the People’s Leader is saving them from imminent ruin. When the opponents are too few, too weak, and too disoriented to put up a real fight, their power and influence must be exaggerated.

The Game has its logic: for socialism to work, there has to be unanimity and compliance. Dissent leads to system malfunctions, causing hardship for all
those in the care of the state. That effectively makes the dissenter a traitor and a public enemy. The need to suppress opposition necessitates a totalitarian form of government. While we aren’t at that stage yet, the demonization of dissenters has already begun.

Until a time when the opposition can be eliminated completely, having opponents can still be useful: you can steal their ideas, take advantage of their desire to help the economy, and blame them for any of your own failures. In the meantime, certain rules must be followed to control the public opinion and, through it, the opposition itself.

Maintain the perception of being constantly under attack. Don’t examine the opponents’ beliefs, nor answer their arguments. Discredit any media channels
that offer them a platform. Enforce the following media template: the opposition is evil, treasonous, unfathomable, and psychotic. They can’t be
reasoned with. They are inspired by fascism and financed by a conspiracy of shady oligarchs. Defame their donors. Whatever the mischief you’re planning to pull off, accuse them of doing it first; then proceed as planned, describing your actions as a necessary intervention. And above all, ridicule, ridicule, ridicule!

Imagine a scenario in which a theoretical group of left-wing radicals takes over America by playing the Game as described; then answer this question: how would their actions be different from what Obama, the Democrat Party, and their allies are doing today?

The stated intentions and the feel-good, vague rhetoric are just words. If the
result is the same, nothing else matters. We lose.”

As a former democrat I saw this beginning in the 1960’s and decided then that democrats were socialists, therefore I left the party! You can go to http://www.americansocialistparty.com and see the names of all the congress members who are members. Of course your local liberal will deny this and throw a fit and call you names, which of course is a typical liberal socialist tactic.

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Hello again, I have finally gotten over the fact that America elected Obama for four more years! If you had told me last October that Obama would be reelected I would have laughed. However, stranger things have happened. Apparently those that work are now in the minority and todays democrats still believe that the party is the same party their parents belonged to! I can assure those that believe this are sadly mistaken! I once belonged to that party and trust me they are not even close to that democratic party! That party started to change in the 1960’s with the inclusion of more and more liberal marxists who could care less about the middle and lower class. These Marxists are only concerned about the elites and want the rest of us placed into the peasant class assigned to gulags which will be set up soon. Homeland Security has already started building these developments in various places and give these locations benign names that won’t cause a big stir.

The Obama Administration has purchased billions of rounds of ammunition and many new armored vehicles and placed them at these locations. In my mind there must be a reason for these purchases and those reasons are all bad news for the peasants to be housed in these barracks. Combine those purchases with the coming gun laws and you have a recipe for a civil war. Remember that Congress passed a law in 2010 that states any person defying a GOVERNMENT LAW can be arrested and sent to a place similar to a gulag.

One can only hope that the majority of the military will defend the American people against such laws and the approaching marxist gulag encampments. God help us because we are about to become something that many immigrants came to America to escape!

During my mourning period I sent a letter to the Republican house leadership and have enclosed a copy of that letter.

Dear House Republicans,

The Republican leadership in congress should not give in to the devious tactics of the Democrats when voting on the increase in taxes or increasing the debt ceiling. The vast majority of conservative voters are watching your efforts and if Republicans wimp out in the last minutes, like they have in the past, then all is lost and we will hold everyone that votes for the presidents plan responsible in the 2014 election! Those Republican leaders, meeting with the president and democrats, must be prepared to be real American heroes because the Republic is in great need of someone with courage to do what is right instead of what is political expedient for their careers!

If the Republicans give in to these devious demands then do not send me any more requests for money because my wife and I will no longer listen to your babble and misinformation! The Republican leadership of congress are democrat lackeys and are not smart enough to lead the congressional Republicans and we are no longer interested in supporting a group of fools lead by fools.

Recent actions made by speaker Boehner and the House leadership to select moderates to fill vacancies and to banish strong conservatives sitting on some important committees is not setting well with us and other conservatives! This is a classic mistake in Republican thinking that liberals love and I should know, since I was once a true believer in the liberal logic until I had an epiphany. Strange as it seems but I have just recently had another epiphany, and it is that most of the republican leadership, like Speaker Boehner, are ill prepared to lead our great country and stop the advance toward the abyss. We can not believe what is happening with our current conservative leadership because they are behaving more like liberals than conservatives.

We will pray daily that real Republicans step forward to lead us, we know that there are many new Tea Party Republicans that were voted in during the 2010 election that fill the bill. We will only donate to those candidates that convince us that they are willing to fight the good fight against the progressive liberals who want to defeat this great nation! As Speaker Boehner said, ” we will be watching” and we will respond at the next election in 2014!

Based upon the timid results of recent events the Republicans have given the impression that they are terrified of the liberal machine and its useful idiots the main street lying media. It does not matter what the Republicans do because the media will place the blame on them. The media and the president want to destroy the Republican Party! Therefore, the Republicans might as well do what is best for conservatives and the country.

God help us,

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The Protector of Israel.

It was President Harry S. Truman; who said he had read the Bible through a number of times, who insisted, despite many voices of opposition, that the rudiment country still in the protection of the Holy Land, Israel, come to birth on May 14, 1948. America stood by Israel’s struggle to get to its feet, and through the battles it fought against its attacking, hate-filled satanic enemy neighbors.

God’s hand was at work in unseen ways, it becomes obvious to a careful look at the unfolding times leading up to Truman’s assuming the presidency following Franklin D. Roosevelt’s death in 1945. This moment in time was a “God Wink” and something that was truly determined by and managed by God. “God winks” not only happen on a global scale but can happen to each of us individually if we would just relax and think about what just happened to us. Gods plan has always been present and he told us that we don’t think like he does therefore, we can’t understand and we should quit trying because it is useless!

Truman had, as mentioned above, read God’s Word through a number of times. He told those around him that the Jews had promises from God to the land. He apparently believed that America must bless Israel, not curse that people. Historians would say that coincidentally, perhaps even ironically (but I am convinced that a “God Wink” would explain these events), Truman had a Jewish friend–Edward Jacobson; with whom he had co-owned a haberdashery. His partner convinced Truman early on of that nation’s prophetic destiny.

Although Israel now has its own nuclear arsenal, it is America, in human terms, that has provided the most strength, militarily, which discourages overwhelming assaults against the Jewish state. However, looking beyond the physical earthly protection for Israel, it is God that provides the ultimate hedge of protection.

God has proved in war after war throughout Israel’s earlier and latter incarnations that He keeps His promises to protect them from absolute destruction, despite their many Diasporas and their tribulations as captive and/or outcast people. He uses human military to accomplish this promise that the Jew will always be His chosen people. But, many strange reports have come out of some of those battles, proclaiming supernatural activity having turned the tide. Reports of battles during Israel’s rebirth as a nation in 1948, as an established nation in 1956, 1967, and 1973, brought such reports. And, at a spiritual warfare level in the sense of Ephesians 6:12, there continue to be conflicts unseen by human eyes.

Israel’s nuclear capability and America’s stupendous military and technological might are strong defensive ingredients for modern Israel’s protection. But, while surrounded by forces of overwhelming numbers whose satanic rage cannot be stemmed, it is a most unconventional army that is Israel’s greatest ally. It is this ally contingent that holds the joint Israeli-American defensive coalition in place, in my view; furthermore, I believe—in God’s prophetic plan. It is a spiritual force that is Israel’s closest friend. Christians, particularly those in America, make up the spiritual army that supports Israel’s right to exist as does no other group on earth.

Those who are “Christian” make up this army of defenders of Israel’s right to exist in its ancient homeland. This army doesn’t bear physical arms, or fight, literally on the bloody fields of battles surrounding Israel. This army fights with prayer for the peace of Jerusalem, and does spiritual battle for Israel, God’s chosen people, while that Jewish state moves in blind unrepentance, toward its ultimate great destiny–to be the head of all nations during the Millennium, Christ’s 1000-year reign on Planet Earth. This Christian army will use the same method of fighting with prayer to keep America on track with God’s great plan regardless of the leaders in government at any moment.

America will begin to plunge while the Church arises! America, the golden cup in the Lord’s hand for more than two centuries; having disseminated the Gospel to the world, and having been the mid-wife of Israel’s birth into modern times, then its protector—is not mentioned in Bible prophecy, by name. Supposedly lesser nations of history are mentioned. For example, Persia (present-day Iran), Syria, and others, upon delving into etymological studies of ancient days juxtaposed against the geographical locations of current national entities. Russia, for example, fits into the region known in ancient times as the region called “Rosh.” But this once shining city on the hill called America is nowhere to be found as the very end of days unfold.

So, what happens to the United States of America? I believe that the biblical view; that God’s people, the Christians of these end times, are Israel’s most fervent friends. However, again we must note a word of qualification, not all Christians hold to the position that Israel is God’s chosen nation as given in the Old Testament. Many Christians today don’t even think in terms of Israel and its prophetic destiny one way or the other. This is because these Christians aren’t taught about the truth of these matters by their pastors and teachers. Also, they don’t do enough study on their own to open their spiritual minds on these things, so God the Holy Spirit can instruct them regarding Israel and prophecy yet future. They are ignorant of these things. Many are willfully ignorant.

So, it is a relatively constant group who observe prophetic matters as outlined in God’s Word. Nonetheless, all Christians, every single individual who is a member of God’s eternal family, will go to be with Jesus Christ when He shouts: “Come with me” (Rev. 4:1). All of Israel’s most fervent supporters, that Jewish nation’s staunchest allies, will instantly be gone from the planet. I believe it is at this moment on God’s prophetic time line that America’s time as a viable nation will abruptly plunge. This plunge will start much earlier, (I believe that this has already begun) but it will suddenly recede into the depths of history past, so far as its grandiosity is concerned.

Much of the stable, tax-paying base will be removed in that stupefying moment. Its worker-base will be so severely disrupted that it won’t come close to resembling the
economic powerhouse it was the moment before the rapture. This, because America has, it is quite safe to presume, the highest percentage of Christians of any nation of significant population.

The politicians and powers that be within governmental and business bureaucracies will flail wildly, trying to bring their turfdoms back into some semblance of order. It will be a task that will be impossible without the most extreme, draconian measures. Ultimately, I’m convinced, these political and governmental powers will readily agree to come under the auspices of the much more stable European Union. The EU–the member nations of which have long-since doused the Gospel light, thus its populations not as severely affected as that of the U.S., will grow to immense size and power within a short period of time.

Israel following the rapture will suddenly find itself without its staunchest lobby-base with the American government. The U.S. leadership will, itself, find itself so tied up in the staggering problems of trying to regain economic and societal equilibrium that urgent pleas from Israeli leaders will likely go unheeded.

The Islamic world will have lost in the rapture its small children and babies in the wombs of mothers within the Middle Eastern world. But Islamic armies of young, fanatic militants will be untouched by the catastrophe that has caused the disappearance of many millions of people. These, under their enraged leadership, will almost certainly fervently look at Israel to vent their frustrations. Likely the true Islamic fundamentalist fanatics will see what has happened as Allah’s preparing to bring on the end of the world.

Perhaps this is the “hook” in the “jaws,” which Ezekiel the prophet foretold God promises to implement at this time. There will be no one –including America—to offer to defend Israel. It is at this time that the great, supernaturally persuasive world leader who will one day in the future be known as “the antichrist” will come forward from the swiftly reforming western alliance. He will propose to all of the antagonists of the forces poised for war a peace covenant they won’t be able to refuse.

Without genuine repentance of her people, America’s time as the apex nation of history will end. She will lose her golden glow. Her former glory will turn black with soot from the fire of judgment and wrath that will be the fate of all who come against Jesus Christ; the God of all creation.

America’s place in prophecy, without repentance before God, is seen in the “Babylonian” system of rebellion, as represented by the description of the destruction that will happen. “Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her” (Rev. 18:8).

Has this God-less America already started to appear? If you look at the democrats convention this year one has to wonder. Apparently a godless America is what many current democrats are striving for as witnessed by the removal of God and Israel from their platform. When the leadership reintroduced God and Israel into their platform you could hear many angry shouts of “no God, no God, no God”. It was apparent that a vast majority were in favor of the original platform and not the revised version.

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Meet The New Democrat Party

Former President Bill Clinton’s Democratic Convention speech includes this line: “The most important question is, what kind of country do you want to live in?” Good question! It’s hard for me to believe that the majority of Americans want to live in a country where there is no God except the State, homosexual marriage is just like heterosexual marriage, abortion is a form of birth control, and Islam is on an equal footing with America’s Christian heritage.

The majority of Americans believe in God, and yet the Democrats removed any mention of Him from their platform. It’s not that it was an oversight; it was a conscious effort since “God-given potential” was in the 2008 platform. When an attempt was made by Ted Strickland (D-OH) to reintroduce God, all hell broke loose. He was booed by delegates!

Democrats have changed their convention platform to add a mention of God and declare that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. The move came after criticism from Republicans. Many in the audience booed after the convention chairman, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, ruled that the amendments had been approved despite the fact that a large group of delegates objected.

Notice that the criticism didn’t come from the democrats. The democrat leadership ramrodded the new language over vociferous opposition. Keep in mind that a number of speakers mentioned God. This only goes to show that the Democrat convention is more theater than reality. The convention is designed to play to the ignorance of the voting population. They say one thing in public to get votes but do something else legislatively. Their voting public doesn’t care as long as the checks, condoms, and birth control pills keep coming.

Since every state that has voted on homosexual marriage defeated the measure — 31 states as of this writing – it’s a wonder that the Democrats see homosexual marriage as a winning issue. More than 8 percent of the delegates at the convention are homosexuals (more than 500 out and proud sexually incongruous delegates) — eight times the homosexual population in America.

Furthermore, while God was put out of the Democrat party platform, homosexual marriage was put in. The Democrats became the first major U.S. political party to endorse gay marriage, and this happened in a state where voters approved a state constitutional referendum limiting marriage to heterosexuals.

The Democrats have always been the Abortion Party. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Democrats change their party identification to “Abortionists” in the future. It’s all they can talk about. Of course, if the Democrats keep supporting pre-born child killing, there won’t be an opposition party in the future.

What’s really evil about Democrat support for abortion is how it’s affecting the black community. While 95 percent of blacks vote for Democrats, a higher percentage of blacks get abortions. It’s been described as “black genocide.” What fools they are.

What’s not getting a lot of attention is the number of Muslim delegates at the Democrat National Convention. There are more than 100, “up from 43 Muslim and Arab-American delegates at the 2008 Democratic convention, and 25 at the 2004 convention.”“‘The more than doubling of Muslim delegates at this year’s Democratic National Convention is a direct result of their hard work and grassroots organizing within the Democratic Party,’ said CAIR Government Affairs Coordinator Robert McCaw. ‘It is also a sign of the American Muslim community’s growing civic engagement and acceptance in the Democratic Party.’”

I’m not sure what kind of Muslims these are considering the Democrat Party platform’s non-support of a God and the support of homosexual marriage and abortion on demand. The only thing I can think of is that the Muslims are biding their time. I do know that Cair is a group of radical Islamists who are supportive of terrorist groups and “hope” One day that they will be running the New Democrat Party.

A large overwhelming percentage of delegates to the convention are radical Marxist/Progressives who are all about a “Big Brother”/Big Government that controls everything, including the citizens! This Big Government will work best with the elites in control of the masses; of course these fools mistakenly believe that they are the elites! If you doubt that there are many of these radical socialists in congress then prove me wrong! First I suggest you google “The Democratic Socialist
Party of America” you will be shocked by the large number of democratic members of congress listed.

Finally, the smallest faction in the democratic party is the conservative and moderate members. This small group is rapidly being replaced by radicals. This is the moderate type of democrat that made up the majority of the delegates prior to President Johnson. This is the type of democrat delegate that gave us President Kennedy! This is the Democratic Party that I belonged to but I recognized quickly after President Kennedy was shot that My Democratic Party was being taken over by a nefarious new breed of democrat that had only one thing in mind and that was total control of everything.

I am so sorry that so many of my democrat friends and other people are uninformed, misinformed or just don’t care! Their only concern seems to be how to get more free crap! The abyss is waiting for us and when it gets here everyone will suffer including those that only want more free crap!

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Shocking Facts About U.S. Debt

The citizens of America have all been lied to. For decades, the leaders of both major political parties have promised us that they can fix our current system and that they can get our national debt under control. As the 2012 election approaches, they are making all kinds of wild promises once again. It is all a giant sham because we have so much debt and they won’t do what really needs to be done. The event horizon of the approaching abyss is in sight for everyone to see who really cares!

The United States has gotten into so much debt that there will be no coming back from this. The current system is permanently broken. 35 years ago the U.S.debt was a horrific crisis that was completely and totally out of control. If we would have dealt with it back then maybe we could have done something about it. But now it is 15 times larger, and we are adding more than a trillion dollars to the debt every single year. The facts that you are about to read below should set America on fire with anger. Please share them with as many people as you can.

What we are doing to our children and our grandchildren is absolutely shocking. Words like “abuse”,“theft” and “crime” do not even begin to describe what we are doing to future generations. We were the wealthiest nation on earth, but it wasn’t good enough just to squander all of our own money. We had to squander the money of our children and our grandchildren as well. America has been so selfish and so self-centered that it is hard to argue that we don’t deserve what is about to happen to this country. We have stolen the future of America, and yet we strut around as if we are the smartest generation that ever walked the face of the earth. We did all of this and kicked GOD out of the equation at the same time. The Bible tells us that GOD changed the order of things because his people had forsaken him and his commands!

All of this prosperity that we see all around us is just an illusion. It is a false prosperity that has been purchased by the biggest mountain of debt in the history of the world. Did you know that if you added up all forms of debt in the United States and divided it up equally that every single family in the country would owe more than $683,000? We are a nation that is absolutely addicted to debt, and the U.S. debt crisis threatens to destroy everything that our forefathers built. Republicans and democrats alike have this addiction of spend, spend and spend.

Yes, everything may seem fine for the moment, but what do you think would happen if the federal government suddenly adopted a balanced budget? 1.3 trillion dollars a year would be sucked right out of the economy and we would be looking at an “economic readjustment” that would be mind blowing. Enjoy this false prosperity while you can, because it is not going to last. Debt is a very cruel master, and our day of reckoning is almost here. The following are 34 shocking facts about U.S.debt that should set America on fire with anger….
#1 During fiscal year 2011, the U.S.government spent 3.7 trillion dollars but it only brought in 2.4 trillion dollars.

#2 When Ronald Reagan took office, the U.S.national debt was less than 1 trillion dollars. Today, the U.S. national debt is over 15.2 trillion dollars.

#3 During 2011, U.S.debt surpassed 100 percent of GDP for the first time ever.

#4 Economists tell us that the monetary base “consists of coins, paper money (both as bank vault cash and as currency circulating in the public), and commercial banks’ reserves with the central bank.” Currently the U.S.monetary base is sitting somewhere around 2.7 trillion dollars. So if you went out and gathered all of that money up it would only make a small dent in our national debt. But afterwards there would be no currency for anyone to use.

#5 The U.S. government spent over 454 billion dollars just on interest on the national debt during fiscal 2011.

#6 The U.S. government has total assets of 2.7 trillion dollars and has total liabilities of 17.5 trillion dollars. The liabilities do not even count 4.7 trillion dollars of intragovernmental debt that is currently outstanding.

#7 During the Obama administration, the U.S.government has accumulated more debt than it did from the time that George Washington took office to the time that Bill Clinton took office.

#8 It is being projected that the U.S.national debt will surpass 23 trillion dollars in 2015.

#9 According to the GAO, the U.S.government is facing 34 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities for social insurance programs such as Social Security and Medicare. These are obligations that we have already committed ourselves to but that we do not have any money for.

#10 Others estimate that the unfunded liabilities of the U.S. government now total over 117 trillion dollars.

#11 According to the GAO, the ratio of debt held by the public to GDP is projected to reach 287 percent of GDP by 2086.

#12 Others are much less optimistic. A recently revised IMF policy paper entitled “An Analysis of U.S. Fiscal and Generational Imbalances: Who Will Pay and How?” projects that U.S.government debt will rise to about 400 percent of GDP by the year 2050.

#13 The United States government is responsible for more than a third of all the government debt in the entire world.

#14 If you divide up the national debt equally among all U.S. taxpayers, each taxpayer would owe approximately $134,685.

#15 Mandatory federal spending surpassed total federal revenue for the first time ever in fiscal 2011. That was not supposed to happen until 50 years from now.

#16 Between 2007 and 2010, U.S. GDP grew by only 4.26%, but the U.S. national debt soared by 61% during that same time period.

#17 During Barack Obama’s first two years in office, the U.S. government added more to the U.S.national debt than the first 100 U.S. Congresses combined.

#18 When you add up all spending by the federal government, state governments and local governments, it comes to 46.6% of GDP.

#19 Our nation is more addicted to government checks than ever before. In 1980, government transfer payments accounted for just 11.7% of all income. Today, government transfer payments account for 18.4% of all income.

#20 U.S. households are now actually receiving more money directly from the U.S.government than they are paying to the government in taxes.

#21 A staggering 48.5% of all Americans live in a household that receives some form of government benefits. Back in 1983, that number was below 30 percent.

#22 Back in 1965, only one out of every 50 Americans was on Medicaid. Today, one out of every 6 Americans is on Medicaid.

#23 In 1950, each retiree’s Social Security benefit was paid for by 16 U.S. workers. According to new data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are now only 1.75 full-time private sector workers for each person that is receiving Social Security benefits in the United States.

#24 The U.S. government now says that the Medicare trust fund will run out five years faster than they were projecting just last year.

#25 Right now, spending by the federal government accounts for about 24 percent of GDP. Back in 2001, it accounted for just 18 percent.

#26 If the U.S.government was forced to use GAAP accounting principles (like all publicly-traded corporations must), the U.S. government budget deficit would be somewhere in the neighborhood of $4 trillion to $5 trillion each and every year.

#27 If you were alive when Christ was born and you spent one million dollars very single day since that point, you still would not have spent one trillion dollars by now. But this year alone the U.S. government is going to add more than a trillion dollars to the national debt.

#28 If right this moment you went out and started spending one dollar every single second, it would take you more than 31,000 years to spend one trillion dollars.

#29 A trillion $10 bills, if they were taped end to end, would wrap around the globe more than 380 times. That amount of money would still not be enough to pay off the U.S. national debt.

#30 If the federal government began right at this moment to repay the U.S. national debt at a rate of one dollar per second, it would take over 470,000 years to pay off the national debt.

#31 If Bill Gates gave every penny of his fortune to the U.S. government, it would only cover the U.S. budget deficit for 15 days.

#32 According to Professor Laurence J. Kotlikoff, the U.S. is facing a “fiscal gap” of over 200 trillion dollars in the future. The following is a brief excerpt from a recent article that he did for CNN….”The government’s total indebtedness — its fiscal gap — now stands at $211 trillion, by my arithmetic. The fiscal gap is the difference, measured in present value, between all projected future spending obligations — including our huge defense expenditures and massive entitlement programs, as well as making interest and principal payments on the official debt — and all projected future taxes”.

#33 If you add up all forms of debt in the United States (government, business and consumer), it comes to more than 56 trillion dollars. That is more than $683,000 per family. Unfortunately, the average amount of savings per family in the U.S. is only about $4,735.

#34 The U.S. national debt is now more than 5000 times larger than it was when the Federal Reserve was created back in 1913. But do our leaders care about statistics such as these? No. In fact, Barack Obama says that we need to raise the debt limit by another 1.2 trillion dollars. But it is not just U.S. debt that is the problem. The European debt crisis threatens to completely unravel soon and Japan actually has the highest debt to GDP ratio in the entire industrialized world.

Sometime in 2012, a total of 7,600,000,000,000 dollars of debt must be rolled over by the G-7 nations, Brazil, Russia, India and China. That doesn’t even count new borrowing. That number just represents old debts that are coming due that must be refinanced. Anyone out there that insists that this debt bubble can be fixed under our current system is lying or is incompetent. A massive amount of financial pain is coming. It is time for Americans to wake up from their television-induced comas. It is time for Americans to get very angry. Your future has been destroyed and the future of your children and grandchildren has been destroyed. You better take action while you still can.

Maybe the Inca Calendar, that is predicting something that is about to happen that will change global structure and history, is more accurate than we think! In the Bible it states that those nations that that do not believe will be destroyed! So we as a nation must consider both our financial and moral standards and make the necessary changes. And I am not referring to “Hope and Change”, as defined by “Captain Zero” and the crew of the approaching train wreck!

Hat tip to “The Intel Hub”

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Bane of America

Does our president realize the strong feelings that are developing outside the beltway? Judging by his current actions I seriously doubt that he really cares. His main goal is to rally the non-working classes against the rest of us.

It reminds me of the movie plot of the current movie “The Dark Knight Rises”. In this movie the evil “Bane” is trying to rally the lower class against everyone that makes money! The recent OWS radicals along with labor union thugs were trying this same tatic and our president thought that this was good! He stated that this was an outpouring of middle America in support of things that he was saying about those evil rich folks?

It seems to this observer that if America begins to burn with demonstrtions then that will allow Captain Zero and his Henchmen to enter the scene and change everything. This is the plan that he has been working on for the past several years. Watch the attached video and let me know what you think.

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Confirmation bias – Why democrats ignore the facts!

confirmation bias, also called my side bias, is a tendency for democrats to favor information that confirms their preconceptions or hypotheses regardless of whether the information is true. As a result, democrats gather evidence and recall information from memory selectively, and interpret it in a biased way. The biases appear in particular for emotionally significant issues and for established beliefs. For example, in reading about gun control, democrats usually prefer sources that affirm their existing attitudes. They also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position. As a former democrat I saw this constantly and still see it today whenever I attempt to discuss the real world with democrats!

Biased search, analysis and/or recall have been used to explain democratic attitude polarization (when a disagreement becomes more extreme even though the different parties are exposed to the same evidence), belief perseverance (when democrats beliefs persist after the evidence for them is shown to be false), the irrational predominance effect (a stronger weighting for data encountered early in an uninformed series) and illusory correlation (in which democrats falsely perceive an association between two events or situations). If you doubt this then try to change a democrats mind in an area presented by the leadership of the democratic party or any idea they perceive as basic to their beliefs. Democrats have used these techniques for years and foolish conservatives apparently don’t know how to deal with this!

A series of experiments in the 1960s suggested that some people are biased towards confirming their existing beliefs. Later work explained these results in terms of a tendency to test ideas in a one-sided way, focusing on one possibility and ignoring alternatives. In combination with other effects, this strategy can bias the conclusions that are reached. Explanations for the observed biases include wishful thinking and the limited human capacity of democrats to process information. Another proposal is that people show confirmation bias because they are foolishly assessing the costs of being wrong, rather than investigating in a neutral, scientific way.

Confirmation biases contribute to the overconfidence in personal beliefs of democrats and can maintain or strengthen beliefs in the face of contrary evidence. Hence they can lead to disastrous decisions, especially in organizational, social and political contexts. Confirmation biases are effects in information processing, also called “self-fulfilling prophecy”, in which democrats behave so as to make their expectations come true. Some psychologists use “confirmation bias” to refer to any way in which foolish people avoid rejecting a belief, whether in searching for evidence, interpreting it, or recalling it from memory.

Confirmation bias has been described as an internal “yes man” for fools, echoing back a democrat’s beliefs like Charles Dickens’ character Uriah Heep. Experiments have repeatedly found that some people tend to test hypotheses in a one-sided way, by searching for evidence consistent with the hypothesis they hold at a given time. Rather than searching through all the relevant evidence, they ask questions that are phrased so that an affirmative answer supports their hypothesis. They look for the consequences that they would expect if their hypothesis were true, rather than what would happen if it were false. For example, someone who is trying to identify a number using yes/no questions and suspects that the number is 3 might ask, “Is it an odd number?” People prefer this sort of question, called a “positive test”, even when a negative test such as “Is it an even number?” would yield exactly the same information. However, this does not mean that people seek tests that are guaranteed to give a positive answer. In studies where subjects could select either such pseudo-tests or genuinely diagnostic ones, they favored the genuinely diagnostic. However, for some demonic reason, democrats refuse to use diagnostic tests and constantly select pseudo-tests.

However, in conjunction with other effects, this strategy can confirm existing beliefs or assumptions, independently of whether they are true. In real-world situations, evidence is often complex and mixed. For example, various contradictory ideas about someone could each be supported by concentrating on one aspect of his or her behavior. Thus any search for evidence in favor of a hypothesis is likely to succeed. One illustration of this is the way the phrasing of a question can significantly change the answer. For example, people who are asked, “Are you happy with your social life?” report greater satisfaction than those asked, “Are you unhappy with your social life?” Liberals always debate this way and throw a “straw man” into the mix at every opportunity.

Even a small change in the wording of a question can affect how people search through available information, and hence the conclusions they reach. This was shown using a fictional child custody case. Subjects read that Parent A was moderately suitable to be the guardian in multiple ways. Parent B had a mix of salient positive and negative qualities: a close relationship with the child but a job that would take him or her away for long periods. When asked, “Which parent should have custody of the child?” the subjects looked for positive attributes and a majority chose Parent B. However, when the question was, “Which parent should be denied custody of the child?” they looked for negative attributes, but again a majority answered Parent B, implying that Parent A should have custody.

Another experiment gave subjects a particularly complex rule-discovery task involving moving objects simulated by a computer. Objects on the computer screen followed specific laws, which the subjects had to figure out. They could “fire” objects across the screen to test their hypotheses. Despite making many attempts over a ten hour session, none of the subjects worked out the rules of the system. They typically sought to confirm rather than falsify their hypotheses, and were reluctant to consider alternatives. Even after seeing evidence that objectively refuted their working hypotheses, they frequently continued doing the same tests. Some of the subjects were instructed in proper hypothesis-testing, but these instructions had almost no effect.

“Smart people believe weird things because they are skilled at defending beliefs they arrived at for non-smart reasons.”—Michael Shermer. Confirmation biases are not limited to the collection of evidence. Even if two individuals have the same information, the way they interpret it can be biased. A team at Stanford University ran an experiment with subjects who felt strongly about capital punishment, with half in favor and half against. Each of these subjects read descriptions of two studies; a comparison of U.S. states with and without the death penalty, and a comparison of murder rates in a state before and after the introduction of the death penalty. After reading a quick description of each study, the subjects were asked whether their opinions had changed. They then read a much more detailed account of each study’s procedure and had to rate how well-conducted and convincing that research was. In fact, the studies were fictional. Half the subjects were told that one kind of study supported the deterrent effect and the other undermined it, while for other subjects the conclusions were swapped.

The subjects, whether proponents or opponents, reported shifting their attitudes slightly in the direction of the first study they read. Once they read the more detailed descriptions of the two studies, they almost all returned to their original belief regardless of the evidence provided, pointing to details that supported their viewpoint and disregarding anything contrary. Subjects described studies supporting their pre-existing view as superior to those that contradicted it, in detailed and specific ways. Writing about a study that seemed to undermine the deterrence effect, a death penalty proponent wrote, “The research didn’t cover a long enough period of time”, while an opponent’s comment on the same study said, “No strong evidence to contradict the researchers has been presented”. The results illustrated that people set higher standards of evidence for hypotheses that go against their current expectations. This effect, known as “disconfirmation bias”, has been supported by other experiments.

An MRI scanner allowed researchers to examine how the human brain deals with unwelcome information. A study of biased interpretation took place during the 2004 US presidential election, and involved subjects who described themselves as having strong feelings about the candidates. They were shown apparently contradictory pairs of statements, either from Republican candidate George W. Bush, Democratic candidate John Kerry or a politically neutral public figure. They were also given further statements that made the apparent contradiction seem reasonable. From these three pieces of information, they had to decide whether or not each individual’s statements were inconsistent. There were strong differences in these evaluations, with subjects much more likely to interpret statements by the candidate they opposed as contradictory. This proves that a democrat will vote for a yellow dog if it is labeled a democratic candidate.

Biased interpretation is not restricted to emotionally significant topics. In another experiment, subjects were told a story about a theft. They had to rate the evidential importance of statements arguing either for or against a particular character being responsible. When they hypothesized that character’s guilt, they rated statements supporting that hypothesis as more important than conflicting statements.

Even if a liberal democrat has sought and interpreted evidence in a neutral manner, they may still remember it selectively to reinforce their expectations. This effect is called “selective recall”, “confirmatory memory” or “access-biased memory”. Psychological theories differ in their predictions about selective recall. Schema theory predicts that information matching prior expectations will be more easily stored and recalled. Some alternative approaches say that surprising information stands out more and so is more memorable.

Predictions from both these theories have been confirmed in different experimental contexts, with no theory winning outright. In one study, subjects read a profile of a woman which described a mix of introverted and extroverted behaviors. They later had to recall examples of her introversion and extroversion. One group was told this was to assess the woman for a job as a librarian, while a second group was told it was for a job in real estate sales. There was a significant difference between what these two groups recalled, with the “librarian” group recalling more examples of introversion and the “sales” groups recalling more extraverted behavior. A selective memory effect has also been shown in experiments that manipulate the desirability of personality types. In one of these, a group of subjects were shown evidence that extraverted people are more successful than introverts. Another group was told the opposite. In a subsequent, apparently unrelated, study, they were asked to recall events from their lives in which they had been either introverted or extraverted. Each group of subjects provided more memories connecting themselves with the more desirable personality type, and recalled those memories more quickly.

Therefore, whenever you debate issues with a strong believer of liberal democratic policies you must keep confirmation bias in your mind at all times. Even as a former true believer I still forget to remember this tendency by all democrats. It is always there when they discuss issues and the result will always be the same one-sided logic. Debate with a liberal is useless. They must have an epiphany as I did many years ago or they will not change their views. Confirmation bias is alive and well in the democrats mind and will allow them to remain constant in their foolish beliefs.

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Activist Conservative Independents

All the activist conservative independents should attempt everything that they can do to promote conservative congressional candidates for the 2012 election. When talking to possible candidates for the 2012 election we need to suggest that they attend the Leadership Institutes Future Candidate School to gain instructions on how to run a successful congressional campaign. I usually do not promote many groups but in this case I will definitely do all I can. These future candidates can easily register on line at http://www.leadershipinstitute.org/ and learn the skills that they will need to become successful candidates! It would also be a very important aid to conservatives who desire to become activists in their local community.

Leadership Institute’s unique Future Candidate School trains potential candidates how
to run for office successfully and build a grassroots base. The training focuses on each individuals personal and political preparation for a future career in elected office.

The nation’s top campaign experts and political veterans show you how to prepare yourself for a successful candidacy. You will learn how to: * Communicate persuasively * Develop a campaign strategy *Build a strong base of grassroots support * Raise funds *Etc.

Liberals have studied these skills and have them memorized and understand when and where to use these skills effectively. In order to become a successful conservative candidate the individual must have the proper background that will prepare them to enter the political arena.

” We filled legal pads with notes and
carted away volumes of hand-out’s and
PowerPoint presentations. We departed
LI’s Future Candidate School knowing
that we had made the most valuable
‘pit stop’ on our political road trip.”

Bill Taylor
Elected 2010 State Representative
South Carolina

Training groups since 1979, the Leadership Institute has trained more than 94,000
students. Graduates include US Senators and Congressmen, governors and state
legislators, city council members and local mayors, and conservative activists
and officeholders at every level.

The Learning Institute offers 40 types of training programs at the Steven P.J. Wood Building in Arlington, Virginia and in other locations around the country. To bring Institute training to your hometown, request a training session. There are also online courses that many conservatives have been trained by and are now active in their own cities..

March Calendar
05 Future Candidate School Arlington, VA
07 Wednesday Wakeup Club Breakfast Arlington, VA
16 Television Workshop, Introduction to Techniques Arlington, VA
16 Television Workshop, On-camera Arlington, VA
19 Public Relations School Arlington, VA
24 Youth Leadership School Denver, CO
30 Public Speaking Workshop Arlington, VA
31 Campaign Management School 1 & 2Newark, OH
April Calendar
02 Campaign Management School Arlington, VA
04 Wednesday Wakeup Club Breakfast Arlington, VA
04 Political Voter Mail Workshop Arlington, VA
16 Public Relations School, Advanced Arlington, VA
24 High-Dollar Fundraising School Arlington, VA
24 Online Fundraising Workshop Arlington, VA
27 Television Workshop, On-camera Arlington, VA
May Calendar
02 Wednesday Wakeup Club Breakfast Arlington, VA
05 Travel-Grassroots Activist School Omaha, NE
07 Future Candidate School Arlington, VA
14 Direct Mail School Arlington, WA
15 Direct Mail School, Advanced Arlington, VA
18 Television Workshop, On-camera Arlington, VA
June Calendar
01 Television Workshop, Introduction to Techniques Arlington, VA
01 Television Workshop, On-camera Arlington, VA
04 Campaign Management School Arlington, VA
06 Wednesday Wakeup Club Breakfast Arlington, VA
06 Advanced New Media Workshop: Campaigns Arlington, VA
25 Public Relations School Arlington, VA
July Calendar
16 Public Relations School, Advanced Arlington, VA
19 New Media Workshop Arlington, VA
19 Blogging Workshop Arlington, VA
20 Public Speaking Workshop Arlington, VA
23 Written Communications Workshop Arlington, VA
August Calendar
01 Wednesday Wakeup Club Breakfast Arlington, VA
03 Broadcast Journalism School Arlington, VA
06 Future Candidate School Arlington, VA
10 Television Workshop, On-camera Arlington, VA

September Calendar
04 Campaign Management School Arlington, VA
05 Wednesday Wakeup Club Breakfast Arlington, VA
14 Television Workshop, On-camera Arlington, VA
17 High-Dollar Fundraising School Arlington, VA
17 Online Fundraising Workshop Arlington, VA
21 Public Speaking Workshop Arlington, VA
24 Public Relations School Arlington, VA
October Calendar
01 Campaign Management School Arlington, VA
03 Wednesday Wakeup Club Breakfast Arlington, VA
03 Advanced New Media Workshop: Campaigns Arlington, VA
03 Campaign Basics Newport News, VA
12 Television Workshop, Introduction to Techniques Arlington, VA
12 Television Workshop, On-camera Arlington, VA
15 Public Relations School, Advanced Arlington, VA
November Calendar
09 Public Speaking Workshop Arlington, VA
27 Conservative Career Workshop Arlington, VA
29 Advanced New Media Workshop: Online Activism Arlington, VA
30 Television Workshop, On-camera Arlington, VA
December Calendar
03 Future Candidate School Arlington, VA
05 Wednesday Wakeup Club Breakfast Arlington, VA
14 Television Workshop, Introduction to Techniques Arlington, VA
14 Television Workshop, On-camera Arlington, VA
January Calendar
04 University of California-Irvine – Student Publications School –

Online Training
Activism On Demand – Online Training

Request School Training by Subject
Campaigns and Political Activism
Campus Leadership Program
Career Development
Online Activism and Strategy
Public Relations
Public Speaking
Television Broadcast

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OWS and Judaism – the march towards communism

Historically, anti-capitalist passion has been interlaced with anti-Semitism. Some Occupy Wall Street protesters stand in line with hateful prototypes. Anti-capitalist political revolutions of modern times have provided platforms for anti-Semitic outbreaks.

The anti-capitalist Occupy Wall Street protesters of 2011 and 2012 are proving to be no exception to the historic combination of dangerous anti-capitalist and anti-Jewish sentiment, as many recent videos demonstrate. As of this date, there has been no condemnation of the noticeably anti-Semitic episodes from within the Occupy Wall Street crowd, from our president or the liberal lamestreet news media. The news media would have you believe that these are stand-up citizens comparable to the Tea Party members.

The tendency among the protesters and some pundits has been to characterize such outbreaks within and outside the OWS movement as merely unreliable, random incidents. However, such episodes are symptomatic of the disease of anti-Semitism passed down from generations of socialist and communist revolutions. The fate of Jews under socialist/communist governments of the twentieth century, a case example being the purge of Polish Jews during the political crisis of 1968, seems to be completely lost on OWS protesters.

But as worrisome as the outbreak of anti-Semitism within OWS is, there is yet another danger to Jews lurking within the OWS movement — namely, the attempt by a movement calling itself Occupy Judaism to accelerate the assimilation of the overwhelmingly leftist political leanings of the movement within Judaism itself.

The impulse to blend Judaism and leftist politics may well have its roots in the socialist Revolution of 1848, which had a strong anti-banking and anti-capitalist component. While Rabbi Hirsch labored to take advantage of the political crisis in order to emancipate Jews, he resisted the absorption of Judaism into secular political ideals, believing as he did that a sovereign God rules earthly events. He did not foresee what would be the steady erosion of Jewish rabbinical tradition and devotion to the Torah as Judaism became more and more attracted to the ideals of the left — ideals which would prove to be incompatible with centuries-old Jewish faith, identity, and tradition. The irony is that contemporary attempts to assimilate leftist belief systems within Judaism have eroded traditional Judaism while doing nothing to stop the anti-Semitic tendencies of communist/socialist mobs.

The truth is that if Occupy Judaism and other like movements have their way, an acceleration of the erosion may indeed be in the future. Many American Jews already increasingly lean toward a political fundamentalism almost as strict and rigorous in its demands as any orthodox adherent of Judaism.

Indeed, as Norman Podhoretz has indicated in his Wall street Journal article, “Why Are Jews Liberals,” progressivism’s leftist principles have become for many American Jews a sort of religion in and of itself. He writes: The upshot is that in virtually every instance of a clash between Jewish law and contemporary liberalism, it is the liberal creed that prevails for most American Jews. Which is to say that for them, liberalism has become more than a political outlook. It has for all practical purposes superseded Judaism and become a religion in its own right. And to the dogmas and commandments of this religion they give the kind of steadfast devotion their forefathers gave to the religion of the Hebrew Bible. All these “NEW LIBERAL” Jews need to do is to build statues of “BULLS” and they then will become historically correct.

The dangerous attempt to absorb the Jewish religious tradition and the radically leftist goals of many OWS protestors appears to be a goal of Occupy Judaism. The group, which has emerged as a movement of those who are dissatisfied with Jewish institutions and synagogues, hopes to change Jewish religious practice from within. The desire is to further radicalize Judaism, some branches of which are already allied with leftist ideals.

As Dana Evan Kaplan notes in her essay “Contemporary debates in American reform Judaism: conflicting visions,” Reform Judaism’s “approach to tikkun olam [repairing the world] has incorporated only leftist, socialist-like elements. In truth, it is political, basically a mirror of the most radically leftist components of the Democratic Party platform, causing many to say that Reform Judaism is simply ‘the Democratic party with Jewish holidays.'”

According to the Jerusalem Post, Occupy Judaism leader Daniel Sieradski apparently feels American Judaism needs to hasten its leftward march while retaining some aspects of Jewish ritual. Mr. Sieradski proclaimed: We chose to erect and occupy our succa here at Zuccotti Park. There is no better place to celebrate the festival of Succot this year than right here at Occupy Wall Street. We stand in solidarity with all those who are challenging the inequitable distribution of resources in our country, who dare to dream of a more just and compassionate society.

Mr. Sieradski also suggested “the possibility of sit-ins and demonstrations in front of synagogues and Jewish organizations.” Right. That should work out well. One does not have to be particularly prescient to imagine the chaos and destruction should mobs determined to forcibly reform Judaism according to socialist/Marxist principles get out of hand. “Demonstrations” in front of synagogues have been known to turn destructive rather quickly.

Synagogues may suffer the fate of St. Paul’s cathedral in London. (Or an even worse fate.) The cathedral has been forced to close its doors due to the siege launched by radical protestors. But more important than the physical occupation of synagogues is the spiritual occupation of a political philosophy which is basically antithetical to Jewish theology. An ideological alliance with the left may wind up with the same results as the Jewish alliances with socialism and communism in the past, with persecution of Jews rising as Jewish capitalists, financiers, and bankers, whose philosophy is influenced by capitalist economic theory and practice, are targeted once again. After all, leftist philosophy is dominated by an economic theory that views the chief levers of the world as economic — a perfect setup for anti-bank protests flavored by anti-Jew sentiment.

Most importantly and this cannot be overemphasized; leftism, dominated as it is by socialist/communist ideology, is inherently atheistic. The intrinsic spiritual incompatibility of the two philosophies means a divided house of Judaism, as it has for mainline Protestant denominations and much of the Roman Catholic Church, because those churches have been recently infiltrated by radical liberation theology which has at its heart leftist beliefs.

What a tragic irony it would be if Judaism, devoted as it historically has been to the worship of Jehovah and to the Torah, should continue to find itself deep in the process of assimilating a worldview adverse to its very being. Opposing worldviews cannot coexist within Judaism forever. One or the other will win out.

Will synagogues continue to proclaim the Great She•ma, “Hear Ye, O Israel, the Lord our God is One,” in all the fullness of its spiritual splendor and significance? Or, while retaining the ritual and symbolism of Judaism, will they actually be proclaiming the equivalent of “Workers of the World, Unite!” as advanced by communists?

Biblical history has repeatedly demonstrated what has happened when Jews act in ways that disappoint GOD! There have been horrific events in the past that every Jew should remember and pay attention to. Like the old saying goes, “think before you act”!

Apparently Jewish liberals do not grasp who will be serfs in the new serfdom and who will be the elites who rule the serfdom. It does not take much thought to understand who will be on this “Who’s Who” list!

However,Captain Zero understands the power of these types of citizen groups because he has ordered the IRS to gather the names and Social Security numbers of ALL Tea Party members! Guess Captain Zero wants to promote the membership of the Tea Party. My membership was mailed today, what about yours?

Hat tip to Fay Voshell,

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